
Where can I scrap my vehicle to get the Certificate of Destruction necessary to order the new car?
Any scrap yard authorised by the Environment Agency to de-register ELVs (end of life vehicles). A full list can be seen on the Environment Agency website click here

Where is a Scrappage Incentive Scheme also in effect?

Country Criteria Incentive Boost to market (€)
Austria Over 13 years old €1,500 to purchase a new car with Euro 4 as minimum engine specification. 30,000
France Over ten years old €1,000-2,000 to purchase a new car which is less than 160 g/km or an LCV. 220,000
Germany Over nine years old €2,500 to purchase a car up to 12 months old with Euro 4 as minimum engine specification. 400,000
Greece No age limit €400-800 to scrap vehicle plus €1,500-3,400 if purchase a new vehicle. 20,000
Italy More than ten years old €1,500 to purchase a car which is at least Euro 4 engine specification and emits less than 140g/km for petrol and 130 g/km for diesel. 200,000
Portugal More than ten years old €1,000-1,250 for a car which emits less than 140 g/km. 20,000
Romania Over ten years old €1,000 to purchase a car. 60,000
Spain Over ten years old or 250,000 km Up to €10,000 0% loan to purchase a new car or LCV. The car must cost less than €30,000 and emit less than 140 g/km. The LCV must emit less than 160 g/km. 100,000

Obama has confirmed that it will be introduced in the US.